Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Renewed webutil jar files after upgrading Oracle AS 10.1.2.x

Hello Everyone,

We all came accross the scenario like after upgrading oracle application server from version to 10.1.2.x webutil fuctionality dosenot works in Application.
Becasue we need to upgrade webutil jar also according to oracle application server version i.e. 10.1.2.x.

So will disscuss about steps to renew webutil jar files.

Steps to find renewed webutil jar files from patch (5983622 for application) :

STEP 1. Unzip the patchfile (i.e 5983622 (application patch) ) to a folder.

STEP 2. Open a shell or a CMD window on your OAS server.

STEP 3. Ensure that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is correctly pointing to
your IAS 10.1.2 instance.

You can check this with the command :

On Linux/Unix:

On Windows:

STEP 4. Add in the PATH environment variable the path to jdk\bin from your IAS

For Linux/Unix:
export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin

For Windows:
set PATH=%PATH%;%ORACLE_HOME\jdk\bin

STEP 5. Go to folder
(for Linux/Unix)


(for Windows)

STEP 6. Here you would have a file webutil.jar containing a file frmwebutil.jar
(Linux/Unix) or a file webutil.2.2.jar containing a file frmwebutil.jar0 (Windows) .

To check if the file is the right one run the following command and you should see the files in the archive and the size of frmwebutil.jar (Linux/Unix) or frmwebutil.jar0 (Windows):

jar tvf webutil.jar
will show: 282640 Mon Oct 09 22:45:58 EEST 2006 frmwebutil.jar (in

jar tfv webutil.2.2.jar
will show: 282645 Thu Oct 12 07:01:44 EEST 2006 frmwebutil.jar0 (in

STEP 7. Extract the file from the JAR archive:

jar xf webutil.jar forms/java/frmwebutil.jar

jar xf webutil.2.2.jar frmwebutil.jar0

This should create a file frmwebutil.jar (Linux/Unix) or frmwebutil.jar0 (Windows) in the folder:


STEP 8. Make a backup of frmwebutil.jar from the IAS 10.1.2.x installation.

The frmwebutil.jar is located in ORACLE_HOME/forms/java.

For Linux/Unix:
mv $ORACLE_HOME/forms/java/frmwebutil.jar $ORACLE_HOME/forms/java/frmwebutil.jar.old

For Windows:
ren %ORACLE_HOME%\forms\java\frmwebutil.jar %ORACLE_HOME%\forms\java\frmwebutil.jar.old

STEP 9. Copy and rename the file that you extracted to ORACLE_HOME/forms/java.

For Linux/Unix:
mv frmwebutil.jar $ORACLE_HOME/forms/java/frmwebutil.jar

For Windows:
ren frmwebutil.jar0 %ORACLE_HOME%\forms\java\frmwebutil.jar

After moving those file sign frmwebutil.jar and check your application as follows :

for Windows :
sign_webutil.bat ORACLE_HOME\forms\java\frmwebutil.jar

For Linux :
sign_webutil.sh $ORACLE_HOME\forms\java\frmwebutil.jar

Note : also move extracted webutilbase.htm,webutiljini.htm and webutiljpi.htm file to specified location i.e. $ORACLE_HOME/forms/server/.

And run your forms firstly with administrator user to install JINITIATOR again...

I hope it will work for u..


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